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One rotation for the Math Workshop Model was when students meet with the teacher in small groups for 15 minutes to receive additional practice with the concept being taught that day. All students learned the same skills, but each group was differentiated to the needs of the group. These groups were formed by looking at pre-test scores as well as MAP data. In small groups we used white boards, manipulatives and games to practice the skill. 
Kids that are the same age, and in the same grade level are not all alike when it comes to learning. As a teacher we must take their differences and use them as an important element in teaching and learning. Math workshop promotes three things: deep conceptual understanding of a concept, pacing that is right and attainable for each individual learner, and the ability for the teacher to use different instructional strategies to engage and find deeper meaning behind the mathematics to promote clear understanding of the concept.

Skill Groups





Technology was another station of the Math Workshop Model. At this station students were given specific math skills to complete. The skills assigned correlated to the math unit being taught that week. IXL is a free, online math program specific to practicing grade level skills based on Nebraska state math standards.
Another rotation of the Math Workshop Model was a station where students played a math game with a partner. These games were differentiated to the level of the students' groups. Some groups would have games and some groups would work together to just have rote practice with division and multiplication. Because our series spirals these are crucial concepts. This station allowed students to construct their own mathematical understanding through rich interactions with both content and their peers.



The last rotation of the Math Workshop Model was a practice rotation. During this rotation students were practicing the specific skill taught that day on a worksheet provided. These worksheets were differentiated for each group. Students left skill group with me to go to this station. This helped them to feel confident and prepared to practice the skills taught. The above level would start at Math By Myself without additional instruction from me. When the above level group came to the teacher we then would either have extra practice if it was a harder concept or extend the lesson to application of the skill. Students would get feedback on worksheets if there was anything for them to fix.

Strategies Used:

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